Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sports for Leisure


You are a journalist for an online leisure magazine. You have been asked to design a brochure on sports for leisure and its benefits.


Design a brochure on 3 types of  sports for leisure providing information on their benefits.


  1. Give your  magazine a name ( something snappy and catchy)
  2. Design a brochure using Word or Publisher  and add pictures to make your brochure attractive.
  3. Go to http://www.outdoor-sport-leisure.net/ to obtain a list of sports for leisure.
  4. Go to http://parenting.families.com/blog/10-benefits-of-playing-sports to get a list of the benefits of sporting (summarize and take the important points only)

  1. Text
  1. Pictures

  1. Evaluation rubric



  1. Put up a road show on sports for leisure
  2. Promote sports and its benefits to be part of youths leisure by distributing brochures and listening to a podcast
  3. Write an essay on the benefits of taking sports for leisure ( use the webquest as guide)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Metaphor of Grammar

What teaching of grammar is to me .......

I am the inner circle of the sun, full of enthusiasm to teach my pupils and they are the outer circle that will shine one day in English.


My group were working so hard in creating this writing lesson plan

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Hi..Hi..everyone, this is the new material that I have produced during my CPELT speaking sessions. Please feel free to click the link below to view and share with me https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B0mQgVPxR74dOGZkZTYyZWUtOTY3Ny00YzY5LTk4ZGEtNTFmYWNkZDZjYmYw&hl=en&authkey=CJOb0kM


Hello, everyone, these are the new inputs and materials that I have produced during my CPELT listening sessions. Please click in and take a look and maybe it will help you in your teaching.Just


Hi..Hi..everyone, these are the new inputs and materials that I have produced during my CPELT listening sessions. Please feel free to click the link below to view and share with me https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B0mQgVPxR74dZmYwNjBhOTEtMzUxYi00Njc4LTllOTktOTU0YzcxYjQzOGUx&hl=en&authkey=CIjr0-4O

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fit as a Fiddle

You have just opened a new restaurant that promotes healthy food and you want to introduce 2 new recipes to attract customers to your restaurat.

Prepare a menu with 2 receipes (food and juice) that shows the nutritional value and health benefits.

1. Give your restaurant a name ( something catchy and new)
2. Design a menu using Word and add pictures to make your menu attractive.
3. Go to http://healthy-food-recipe.com/ to obatain a list of ' Healthy Food' recipes and the
    nutritional values.
4. Go to http://blog.women-workout-routines.com/benefits-of-eating-healthy/ to get a list of benefits
    of eating healthy food ( summarize and takethe important points only)

Resources from:
1. Text

2. Pictures

3. Evaluation rubric

E) Evaluation
Go to http://webquest.sdsu.edu/webquestrubric.html to obtain the rubrics for webquests.

F) Conclusion
Put up an exhibition on healthy food

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Podcast for Listening and Speaking

This is a podcast on animals. Listen to the podcasts.               

Examples of listening and speaking activities:
1. Listen and name the animals.
2. Listen and imitate the sounds of animals.
3. Listen and write down the verbs.

Welcome to My World of English

Hello and welcome to a respository of resources designed and developed by teachers for a English language classroom.Feel free to share my resources for classroom activities.